Friday, April 27, 2012

Picture this: Craft Beer heaven, plus the Only Cafe's Spring Beer Fest

Picture this:


Right now.

You're in a store, looking to buy a little bit of craft beer. The walls are stocked with rows and rows of local goodies.

You're having a few friends over this weekend and want to grab a selection of beer to knock their booties off.

Maybe you'll grab an Imperial Stout for your friend Ginger, you know she likes the style, but you can't decide between Amsterdam's Tempest or Sawdust City's Long Dark Voyage to Uranus or a Wellington Imperial Stout.

Most of your friends, like Atticus, Marnie and Blanket, like a good IPA. So do you. So you'll pick up a wide selection of those: some Cameron's Rye PA, some Amsterdam Boneshaker, some Sawdust City Lone Pine, some Great Lakes Karma Citra AND Lake Effect.

There's this one guy who's coming over, though, he really likes to get punched in the teeth with the hops. Like, really punched. Straight up IPA doesn't do it for Clovis, no it doesn't. Maybe good ol' "Cloves," as you like to call him goodnaturedly, would like a double IPA or three. Maybe you'll grab a sixer of Black Oak 10 Bitter Years for him-give him three, and save three for yourself.

Nice party, good time.


Real talk: This store doesn't exist. These people don't exist. There was no party. There was no fun. I made it up.

But despite being a fake scenario, the beers were real. And they were but a few of the delicious craft beers Ontario's brewers are brewing that SHOULD be available to us all. (For more on my thoughts on that, see my last post).

All this to say that if you want to taste the best Ontario's craft brewers have to offer, there is no magical store (but please let there be soon!).

There is, however, the Only Cafe's Spring Beer Fest, which starts tonight. That's where the brewers will be, and they'll be giving samples of their wares (not necessarily the brewers or the beers I mentioned above. Again, I made that up).

So go, and support craft beer, and show 'em all your love and maybe someday soon, with enough support, you can invite Ginger and Atticus and Marnie and Blanket and, yes, even good old Cloves, over to your place. And they'll actually come, because they'll know you're well stocked with the good stuff. And then, my friends, you'll actually have friends besides me. 

For more on the Only Cafe's Spring Beer Fest, visit:

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